Climate Cymru's Ethnic Minorities Group (CCEM)
The CCEM is a platform for anyone interested in climate advocacy of ethnic minority origins living in Wales.

The Climate Cymru Ethnic Minorities group is an independent self determined group that was founded in July 2021 by individuals who are also Climate Cymru Ambassadors.
The group is a platform for individuals and environment professionals of ethnic minority origins living in Wales, who are interested in building their network in environment and climate advocacy around the climate crisis, climate justice and allied matters.
The group seeks to galvanise the interests of individuals and professionals of ethnic minorities and give a voice to ethnic minorities to participate in local, regional & national advocacy campaigns while also exploring professional advancement in the environment sector in the UK.
The Need
There is an observed paucity of members of the ethnic minorities in the Environment & Climate sector in the UK, there’s no documented data at this time for the same in Wales. Given the lived experiences of some of the current constituent members – where we are usually the only ones present as the ‘diversity’ in the room, we can only imagine that the value is much smaller.
The CCEM group is born out of a need to showcase the availability of environmental & climate and related professionals of ethnic minority origins living in Wales by providing an avenue for these individuals to come together, deliberate, build our networks, share resources. We aim to be a vibrant resource group.
- To build a network for environment and climate professionals and advocates of ethnic minorities origin in Wales
- To create visibility for environment and climate professionals and advocates of ethnic minorities origin in Wales.
The CCEM group is currently hosted by Climate Cymru where it is implementing a Warm This Winter grassroots mobilisation grant.
The CCEM also maintains virtual platforms i.e., whatsapp & listserv where communications can be disseminated to members.
The activities of the group are currently coordinated by a recruited community coordinator. To join the CCEM please indicate here
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