Reasons to be hopeful
Climate change can feel overwhelming and it’s easy to lose heart. But there are reasons to believe a better future is possible.

The Paris Agreement
The 2015 Paris Agreement was a major step forward in humanity’s effort to tackle climate change. It saw 196 countries agree to limit warming to well under 2°C, and preferably under 1.5°C. The commitments made by individual countries so far won’t be enough to realise these ambitions, but the agreement was a major milestone, and it laid the foundation to go even further at the COP26 summit in Glasgow in November.

The US is back on board
New US President Joe Biden made rejoining the Paris Agreement one of his first priorities. He signed an executive order on his first day in office, and the US officially rejoined on 19 February 2021. The US is the world’s second biggest carbon emitter, so its commitment is important, and may help to bring other parties to the table in a more serious way.

Renewables have overtaken fossil fuels for the first time
In 2020, the UK got more of its energy from renewable sources than fossil fuels for the first time. Wind, solar, bio-energy and hydro (water) power generated 42% of UK power last year, while fossil fuels – mostly gas – produced 41%. We’ll need to go much further, much faster, but this is an important milestone.

Wales is the first country with a law to protect future generations
On 29 April 2015, the Welsh government signed into law the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act. In doing so, it became the first country in the world to create a legal obligation to the wellbeing of its future generations. The Act means ministers and public bodies have to balance today’s priorities against the impact of the decisions they make on the communities of the future. This includes their impact on the climate and Wales’ readiness for climate change.

The world cares
Opinion polls consistently show that, around the world, people care more about climate change than they ever have done. Globally, almost 7 in 10 of us say our governments will be failing us if they don’t act now to combat climate change. And 6 in 10 say we’d be put off voting for politicians who don’t take climate change seriously.

Young people are on the case
Around the world, young people are raising their voices for their future and demanding action on climate change. Here in Wales, our 12 Youth Climate Ambassadors are campaigning hard to hold government and business to account.
Protect what you love
Tell our leaders to protect the Wales we love from the climate and nature emergency. Send a giant ice heart to the Senedd to show them just how much you care.
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