Good For You
Good For You is funded by WWF.
It is a 40-60 minute discussion session, which aims to tackle the common misconception that taking climate action and changing behaviour means self sacrifice.
Good for You is ideal for groups of between 8-14 people and comes with a range of resources to encourage people to continue the journey after the session. It includes a range of possible actions anyone can take, which will personally benefit the individual, for example, by saving them money or increasing their well-being or health, as well as benfitting the planet.
If you are part of a club, community group, school or workplace, we'd love to hear from you!

The session aims to encourage people along a longer term path of climate action for example, connecting with a local climate action group, and signposting to future WWF community climate action grants and other sources of funding which might be available for communities to take action on climate change.
The session will:
- Share stories from WWF Mobilising Community Action fund recipiemnts across Wales.
- Promote the personal, community and environmental benefits of individual behaviour change by providing simple, practical ideas for actions which will reduce individual carbon footprints.
- Help people get going on an environmental journey by providing an appropriate pathway into action.
- Have direct positive environmental impacts. Would you like Good for You to come to your workplace, group or school? Get in touch:
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