
Why Race to Zero Cymru matters

11 August, 2023

Race to Zero Cymru has the potential to be game-changing for the urgency and scale of climate, nature and social justice action in Wales.

First, what is Race to Zero Cymru? 
Race to Zero is a huge and growing UN-backed, global initiative of sub-state actors (cities, regions, local authorities, businesses, universities and others) responding to the climate emergency at the pace and scale demanded by the science, and uniting to build a fairer healthier future. Race to Zero provides a consistent framework for developing science-led, robust, equitable climate action plans and supports delivery at scale – learning from and contributing to cutting-edge best practice globally.

Race to Zero Cymru is an exciting innovation based on the global initiative. The vision is to get a proper joined-up approach across Welsh society, with a shared framework and clear pathway to ambitious action for all key actors. Imagine all levels of government – local authorities, regions, major towns & cities, and Wales itself – as well as other key players such as national parks, institutions, and key members of the private sector, all signed up to the Race to Zero. It’s not a pie-in-the-sky concept, the ball is already in motion, high-ambition actors all over Wales are already joining. It is time to join the dots, and really capture the benefit for Welsh society.

Why does Race to Zero Cymru stand to be transformational?

  • High ambition in line with, or faster than, a 1.5-degree pathway, the Paris Agreement, and the Welsh Government’s commitments. 
  • Turning robust plans into action – one of the five key pillars of the initiative is to quickly move beyond planning and into action.
  • It mandates climate leadership, and that actors use their powers to influence others as best they can to persuade them to transition in a fast and fair way. 
  • Transparency required by Race to Zero enables public trust in the transition. In Wales, as with many places around the World, climate plans and progress aren’t always tracked, or publicly available. 
  • A vision for a healthier, fairer future is embedded in the initiative, enabling society to meet the needs of those who most need support.
  • Consumption emissions are considered – the emissions linked to goods consumed in an area, but made elsewhere – this is a significant loophole that needs closing in many of Wales’ action plans. 
  • Closing a huge area-based emissions gap that needs closing. For example, Local Authorities would be mandated to plan and act to address all emissions in their area rather than just internal operational emissions, currently, they only have a plan for around 10% of emissions that they have powers to influence.
  • A consistent framework across society will cut bureaucracy and allow easy nesting of interlocking plans where different levels of government and other key players share responsibility for a given area or sector. 
  • A compelling local-to-global vision to inspire support and action – within organisations and with stakeholders and the public
  • Addressing community concerns with climate inaction. Closing loopholes in climate plans, a fair transition, or the destruction of nature in their area – joining Race to Zero is a single intervention that puts key actors on a journey of action to address all sorts of other interlocking issues.
  • Access to a huge wealth of knowledge and resources via the C40 Knowledge Hub.
  • Collaboration, innovation, and problem-solving with other signatories in Wales and globally
  • Investment – clear, ambitious, aligned, and coherent climate plans, are a very appealing prospect for the right kind of investors including thousands of Race to Zero-aligned organisations globally.
  • Credibility – formal recognition by the UN and a growing global movement.
  • Changing hearts and minds – As different parts of society put clear plans in place, learn from the very best global practice, and begin to act, those in power, and those who stand to be affected most, have some real internal changes to make to really grapple with the scale and challenge ahead. This process will be all the easier if we are joined up on a shared mission to build a better and fairer society.
  • Compelling narrative – a shared vision for a better society has the capacity to change hearts and minds, and align society in a way.
  • Race to Zero fits perfectly with the current Welsh policy framework, particularly the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, and those actors and leaders in Wales that are already demonstrating clear ambition.
  • Inspiring the world to follow – as a first-of-its-kind attempt to join up all major players in society on an ambitious, common framework, this stands. Being embedded in the global Race to Zero, makes it a very replicable model for transforming societies elsewhere.

Taking bold action that Race to Zero mandates will not only be better for the climate but also be better for society. Imagine a Wales with Cheaper energy, cleaner air, healthy food, rejuvenated ecosystems, connected communities, a thriving economy based on clean industries of the future, and a society that prioritises wellbeing above the destruction of our natural world.

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