We’re hiring!
The Climate.Cymru campaign is looking for a freelance communicator to work with the Stop Climate Chaos Cymru coalition and the Climate.Cymru campaign team to develop and coordinate a communications plan and campaign narrative and manage PR for the campaign (more detail below). Comms will need to be delivered bilingually.
The details:
- Timing and days: We are looking for someone for 25 days initially, starting asap and running until 15 Nov 2021. We need the comms plan and narrative in place by 27th August and need PR support at key campaign moments including Great Big Green Week 17-26 Sept, Wales COP (likely the week before COP) and COP 26 1-12 Nov 2021.
- Day rate: £200
- Submission requirements: please send your CV and a cover letter with your relevant past experience, any existing relationships with journalists/media outlets, your way/style of working and your proposal for how to deliver this work (max one page).
- Submission date: 9am Wednesday 4 August. We will review submissions as they come in and may close this opportunity early if a suitable person is found.
- Send submission to: Sam Ward, Climate Cymru campaign manager, samward@wcia.org.uk
About the campaign
- Climate Cymru is a citizen engagement-focused, entry-level environmental campaign building towards COP26. Climate Cymru aims to give voice to those who don’t normally get a say, with a mandate to reach beyond typical environmental campaign demographics. People add their name to tell their leaders they care, then get a chance to tell them exactly what they care about. The responses shape the campaigns advocacy and message.
- Climate Cymru is engaging productively with politicians, any stunts or collective action will be peaceful and non-disruptive.
- Climate Cymru is doing extensive engagement with organisations around Wales, with 160 partners. In terms of impact it is focused on areas that are especially effective to deal with in a devolved way, but is also supporting national and international efforts to address the climate and nature emergencies.
Where we’re at now
- Climate Cymru is established and has some traction but limited capacity. We have some key events approaching where comms will play a critical role.
About the work
Your responsibilities will include:
- Producing a comms plan – needs to have clear objectives and creative strategies and activities for meeting campaign targets. The comms will be predominantly social and media/PR moments. It needs to have a detailed timeline of activities and coordinating messaging that can be delivered by the core climate.cymru campaign team ( 1FT campaign manager and volunteers) and the SCCC coalition members. Comms plan doesn’t need to be bilingual.
- Coordinating the implementation of the plan – Overseeing the plan’s implementation, doing some of the more skilled implementation work and coordinating a range of volunteers, partner organisations and a campaign manager to deliver some of the tasks.
- Developing a narrative and key messaging – we need something that brings the campaign to life and inspires/drives engagement. This will be the foundation for the core campaign team and the SCCC members to develop comms from, especially social content. Must include the challenge, the solution, what the campaign is doing, what government, business and individuals can do. Needs to convey urgency but also build hope. This needs to be bilingual.
- Managing PR at key campaign moments – in line with the comms plan the successful person will lead on media and PR for the campaign at key moments. This includes working with the campaign core group and SCCC members to write press releases (these will need coalition sign-off but if they build from the narrative should be straight-forward) and sell in. Press releases will need to be bilingual and we’d be targeting Welsh and English language media. SCCC members should be able to support with welsh speaking spokespeople if needed.
About you
You’ll need to have:
- Experience writing comms plans and strategies
- Experience of writing press releases
- Experience of working with welsh media
- Experience of using multiple social media platforms
- An understanding of the subject matter
- Excellent organisation and able to work at pace
- Ability to work individually and as part of a team.
And, it’d be great if you also have:
- Ability to speak and write in Welsh
- Experience working with journalists working on environment in Wales
- Experience delivering comms for charities
- Graphic and media creation skills
- Familiarity with slack, zoom.
Protect what you love
Tell our leaders to protect the Wales we love from the climate and nature emergency. Send a giant ice heart to the Senedd to show them just how much you care.
Add your voice
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