Press Release 20/01/23
Press Release 20/01/23
Almost 200 people died in Wales as a result of living in cold damp homes last winter.
Over the course of the whole of winter 2021/22 there were 800 excess winter deaths in Wales, with around 170 caused by living in cold damp homes. [1]
Figures calculated by the End Fuel Poverty Coalition using official government data (including that from devolved statistical bodies), puts the total excess winter deaths in the UK for winter 2021/22 at 15,069. [2]
3,240 of these were as a result of living in cold conditions.
Over the last ten years, the average number of deaths each winter in the UK caused by cold damp homes now stands at 7,409. In Wales, the average annual death toll is 413.
The figures come as members of the National Pensioners’ Convention (NPC) and Fuel Poverty Action, backed by the Warm This Winter campaign, held a minute’s silence and funeral march in memory of those who have died in London.
The demonstration follows on from a day of action on fuel poverty coordinated by the Warm This Winter campaign which saw events take place up and down the country in December 2022. Further “Warm Up” protests are being organised for Saturday 21st January by Fuel Poverty Action.
And amid the fears about the health risks of forced switching to prepayment meters, more than 91,000 people have signed a petition, launched by campaign group 38 Degrees, calling on energy suppliers to end the practice.
On Wednesday, more than 1,700 people also sent personal messages via 38 Degrees to the CEOs of their energy company, urging them to end forced transfer for good.
Simon Francis, from the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, which is also part of the Warm This Winter campaign, commented:
The energy bills crisis has its roots in Westminster and the Government’s failure over decades to help us insulate our homes and secure a renewable-led energy grid.
The cost of this failure is now being felt by the elderly, disabled, those with health conditions and young families. Even in mild winters, we see huge levels of excess winter deaths caused by living in cold damp homes which put our country to shame.
We need urgent additional financial support for the most vulnerable this winter and next and a significant ramping up of insulation and energy efficiency schemes.
Bethan Sayed from Climate Cymru said:
The UK and Welsh Government must work together to ensure that we prepare in advance for next winter so that we can avoid such tragic consequences. We need more investment in energy efficiency in homes so that people can afford to keep themselves warm, an upscaling of low cost renewables, so that communities can directly benefit from the energy created in their own backyard, and measures that address eradicating poverty for all.
A large part of the crisis has been caused by energy firms forcing people onto prepayment meters. Many people rely on energy to power stair lifts, wheelchairs, hearing and respiratory aids as well as the heat, light, refrigeration and connectivity that we all depend on. If a prepayment meter then runs out of credit and this equipment can’t be used, it turns energy debt into a death sentence for many.
ENDS[1] Winter is defined as December, January and February. Based on table 3, column EB in latest ONS data and applying UCL / Institute of Health Equity 21.5% Excess Winter Deaths attributable to cold homes.
[2] See full details at:
Contact Bethan Sayed on 07725144100 for more information
Datganiad i’r Wasg 20/01/23
Bu farw bron i 200 o bobl yng Nghymru o ganlyniad i fyw mewn cartrefi llaith oer y gaeaf diwethaf.
Dros holl gaeaf 2021/22 bu 800 o farwolaethau ychwanegol y gaeaf yng Nghymru, gyda thua 170 yn cael eu hachosi gan fyw mewn cartrefi oer a llaith. [1]
Mae ffigurau a gyfrifwyd gan y Glymblaid Dileu Tlodi Tanwydd gan ddefnyddio data swyddogol y llywodraeth (gan gynnwys data gan gyrff ystadegol datganoledig), yn rhoi cyfanswm y marwolaethau gaeaf ychwanegol yn y DU ar gyfer gaeaf 2021/22 yn 15,069. [2]
Roedd 3,240 o’r rhain o ganlyniad i fyw mewn amodau oer.
Dros y deng mlynedd diwethaf, mae nifer cyfartalog y marwolaethau bob gaeaf yn y DU a achosir gan gartrefi oer a llaith bellach yn 7,409. Yng Nghymru, y nifer cyfartalog o farwolaethau blynyddol yw 413.
Daw’r ffigyrau wrth i aelodau Confensiwn Cenedlaethol y Pensiynwyr (NPC) a’r Tanwydd ar Dlodi Action, gyda chefnogaeth ymgyrch Warm This Winter, gynnal munud o dawelwch ac orymdaith angladdol er cof am y rhai sydd wedi marw yn Llundain.
Mae’r gwrthdystiad yn dilyn diwrnod o weithredu ar dlodi tanwydd a gydlynwyd gan yr ymgyrch Cynnes y Gaeaf Hwn a welodd ddigwyddiadau ar hyd a lled y wlad ym mis Rhagfyr 2022. Mae protestiadau “Cynhesu” pellach yn cael eu trefnu ar gyfer dydd Sadwrn 21 Ionawr gan Fuel Gweithredu ar Dlodi.
Ac ynghanol yr ofnau ynghylch risgiau iechyd gorfodi newid i fesuryddion rhagdalu, mae mwy na 91,000 o bobl wedi arwyddo deiseb, a lansiwyd gan grŵp ymgyrchu 38 Degrees, yn galw ar gyflenwyr ynni i ddod â’r arfer i ben.
Ddydd Mercher, anfonodd mwy na 1,700 o bobl negeseuon personol trwy 38 Degrees hefyd at Brif Weithredwyr eu cwmni ynni, gan eu hannog i ddod â throsglwyddo gorfodol i ben am byth.
Dywedodd Simon Francis, o’r Gynghrair Dileu Tlodi Tanwydd, sydd hefyd yn rhan o’r ymgyrch Cynnes Gaeaf Yma:
Mae gwreiddiau’r argyfwng biliau ynni yn San Steffan a methiant Llywodraeth y DU wedi bodoldi ers degawdau gan iddynt fethu yn y frwydr i helpu pobl i insiwleiddio eu cartrefi a sicrhau grid ynni adnewyddadwy.
Mae cost y methiant hwn bellach yn cael ei deimlo gan yr henoed, yr anabl, y rhai â chyflyrau iechyd a theuluoedd ifanc. Hyd yn oed mewn gaeafau mwyn, rydym yn gweld lefelau enfawr o farwolaethau yn y gaeaf a achosir yn sgil byw mewn cartrefi llaith, oer, sy’n hollol cywilyddus.
Mae angen cymorth ariannol ychwanegol ar frys arnom i’r rhai mwyaf agored i niwed y gaeaf yma a’r gaeaf nesaf, a chynnydd sylweddol mewn cynlluniau inswleiddio ac effeithlonrwydd ynni.
Dywedodd Bethan Sayed o Climate Cymru:
Rhaid i Lywodraeth y DU a Chymru gydweithio i sicrhau ein bod yn paratoi ymlaen llaw ar gyfer y gaeaf nesaf fel y gallwn osgoi canlyniadau trasig fel hyn. Mae arnom angen mwy o fuddsoddiad mewn effeithlonrwydd ynni mewn cartrefi fel y gall pobl fforddio cadw eu hunain yn gynnes, cynyddu ynni adnewyddadwy cost isel, fel y gall cymunedau elwa’n uniongyrchol ar yr ynni a grëir yn eu iard gefn eu hunain, a mesurau sy’n mynd i’r afael â dileu tlodi i bawb.
Mae rhan fawr o’r argyfwng wedi’i achosi gan gwmnïau ynni yn gorfodi pobl i ddefnyddio mesuryddion rhagdalu. Mae llawer o bobl yn dibynnu ar ynni i bweru lifftiau grisiau, cadeiriau olwyn, yn ogystal â’r gwres, golau rydym oll yn ddibynnol arno i fyw. Os yw mesurydd rhagdalu wedyn yn rhedeg allan o gredyd ac na ellir defnyddio’r offer hwn, mae’n troi dyled ynni yn ddedfryd marwolaeth i lawer.
DIWEDD[1] Diffinnir gaeaf fel Rhagfyr, Ionawr a Chwefror. Yn seiliedig ar dabl 3, colofn EB yn nata diweddaraf y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol a chymhwyso UCL / Ecwiti Sefydliad Iechyd 21.5% Marwolaethau Ychwanegol y Gaeaf y gellir eu priodoli i gartrefi oer.
[2] Gweler y manylion llawn yn:
Cysylltwch gyda Bethan Sayed ar 07725144100 am fwy o wybodaeth
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