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Open Spaces Society

The Open Spaces Society is Britain's oldest conservation body, founded in 1865. It campaigns thoughout Wales and England for common land, town and village greens, other open spaces and public paths, and people's rights to enjoy them in town and country.

“The climate crisis threatens our landscapes, the natural world, and the livelihoods of those who work on the land. The Open Spaces Society champions commoning as an adaptable, low-energy land practice, and the quiet enjoyment of open spaces and paths as a sustainable and healthy means for people to take exercise for the benefit of their physical and mental health. Governments should invest in public paths and open spaces for the benefit of people and nature.”

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Field of Beans

Cardiff Quaker Meeting Crynwyr Caerdydd

Asiantaeth Ynni Severn Wye

Dolen Ffermio

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