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Dolen Ffermio

Based in Wales and Uganda, Dolen Ffermio is a small volunteer-run charity, promoting sustainable farming methods and skills training in Eastern Ugandan. The organisation works hand-in-hand with rural communities, so they can access water, use permaculture techniques to grow their own nutritious food and train in vocational skills to create better opportunities for young people and their families.

“Our partners are Ugandan farmers and workers who increasingly face challenges as effects of climate change, such as droughts, floods, shrinking harvests and crop disease. We want our leaders to take effective climate action that is linked to human rights, equality and historical responsibilities. Wales and the UK government need to take leadership on an international level. We call for a shift towards climate justice for low income countries in the global south, which are most vulnerable to the impacts of global warming. Only by working together, we can enable purposeful, concerted action and find the right solutions at local levels.”

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Open Spaces Society

Caffi Clywedog

Think Philanthropy Ltd

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