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Climate and Community

Climate and Community (reg 1172500) has been established and motivated by care and concern for the environment we will be passing on to future generations. We are looking to connect with community organisations to demonstrate facilitate and promote best practice in maintaining and sustaining the environment.

We believe a key issue in addressing problems such as the warming climate is to evolve new economic arrangements that make it possible for people to work in harmony with nature. We are seeking to break the addiction to the easy energy of fossil fuels which makes a sustainable habitat apparently unaffordable according to current economic cost analysis. We believe radical education is a means for peaceful change and an antidote to future violent change and unrest. Conflict is a possibility if we do not act now

“The general solution is to catalyse large scale change in behaviour away from destructive consumption towards sustainable living. This should begin with reskilling those who wish to adopt landbased regenerative farming and forestry to provide locally grown food and materials. The charity's day to day work is to make this happen in a practical and meaningful way which engages and educates ordinary people”

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Methodist Church Wales Synod

St Davids City Council

Cardiff Circular Economy Network (CCEN)

Dolau Bach y Borth

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