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CIWM Cymru

Established in 1898, the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) is the leading professional body for the resource and waste management sector with a purpose to move the world beyond waste.

Representing over 5,500 individuals in the UK, Ireland and overseas, CIWM has a mission to unite, equip and mobilise its professional community to lead, influence and deliver the science, strategies, businesses and policies for the sustainable management of resources and waste.

CIWM has ten regional centres across the UK and Ireland, including CIWM Cymru Wales, that are ran by member volunteers. CIWM Cymru Wales organise an extensive programme of technical meetings, site visits, symposia and social events. Representing over 350 waste professionals working in local and national governments, agencies, private waste companies, consultancies, social enterprises as well as education and research centres, CIWM Cymru Wales provides a forum for professional debate and the opportunity for members to meet and socialise through a strong network of professionals.

Through our inimitable knowledge of the sector and professional and trusted reputation, we inform and influence future legislation and policy and play a vital part in shaping the future role and reputation of the industry. Our networks, expertise and resources enable us to connect innovators and business leaders from across the sustainability landscape to form a powerful community who are inspired and passionate about improving the sustainable management of resources and wastes.

“Consistent with the overall CIWM mission CIWM Cymru believes that the resources and waste sector can play an important role in efforts to mitigate climate change. The Climate Change Committee (CCC) says that waste sector emissions in the UK can be reduced by 75% by 2050, according to its ‘Balanced Net Zero Pathway’ predictions for waste.
These emissions can be reduced by keeping resources in use for as long as possible resulting in less waste and therefore fewer emissions produced from landfills and incinerators where they mostly arise. CIWM Cymru believes the transition to a circular economy in Wales from a linear economy, one which takes, makes and disposes of materials, requires a commitment to the sustainable management of waste and resources from all sectors of the community. Less waste needs to be produced through purchasing decisions and the design and development of sustainable products. We require more infrastructure for reuse and repair to be expanded and greater investment in our capacity to recycle materials such as plastic and packaging waste. Finally, incineration and landfilling have to be reduced to a minimum as waste sector emissions mostly arise from the decomposition of organic matter in landfills, and reduced residual waste sent to Energy from Waste.
We believe that by applying circular economy principles to transform the way goods and materials are produced and used in the economy provides us with an opportunity to address climate change, create greater resilience and increase sustainability.”

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