
Living the change we want to see

22 September, 2021

As a small, independent social enterprise, Drosi Bikes need to make money, but not at the expense of others or at the expense of the wild places we love. Drosi Bikes puts people and the planet first.

Since opening the Community Bike Workshop in May this year, Drosi Bikes has built an inclusive, accessible and inspiring cycle hub in the community where bikes are repaired and recycled, and people are upskilled and educated around bike maintenance and sustainability. With the support of an ever growing team of volunteers, they’ve been turning waste into a solution and have recycled and refurbished over 50 discarded bikes- some of which are once again pedalling happily around the streets of North Wales! 

With the climate crisis becoming a reality, Drosi Bikes are using bikes and e-bikes to educate, inspire and empower action against Climate Change. The COVID-19 pandemic has kickstarted a cycling movement across the UK, providing an opportunity to make real change. Drosi Bikes have been harnessing this momentum, but more needs to be done nationally and internationally to ensure these changes are long lasting. Cycling education, support and equipment can be provided at a grassroots level by organisations such as Drosi Bikes, however, improvements need to be made systematically, on a greater scale for real impact to happen.

Individuals, communities, businesses and governments across the world need to be inspired and empowered to be the change they want to see. Starting at an individual level, everyone can make small or big changes to their lifestyle and help raise public awareness in the run up to COP26 (and beyond). Working together will strengthen the voice of our nation and show the government that we do care and we want change now.

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