
Home energy consumption that doesn’t cost the earth. 

20 September, 2021
By Robert Harvey

Home energy consumption that doesn’t cost the earth. 

The Green Tour is making an overnight stop in a brand new eco-home and the headquarters of Swansea-based domestic renewables company Limitless Energy. 

Robert Harvey is the renewables engineer at the heart of the company and the self-builder behind both the company and this family home in Mumbles.  

Robert says: “Home energy consumption is responsible for 20% of UK emissions, and our customers are passionate about making the transition away from fossil fuels so their electrical, heating and hot water demands don’t cost the earth.”  

“Limitless Energy install 100% renewable heating hot water and electrical solutions.  That’s air and ground source heat pumps for those who want to transition away from fossil fuels, whether that’s a brand new property or retrofitting out gas, LPG, oil and solid-fuel boilers.  

“Solar panels and battery storage then provide the potential to meet all our customers’ household energy needs and are a perfect complement to electrically powered heating systems (specifically highly efficient air and ground source heat pumps).  

“Renewable energy can meet all our domestic electrical, heating and hot water demands, and I built this home to demonstrate how achievable it is. 

“Our Ground Source Heat Pump is fed by two 70m bore holes digging under our home and it keeps this property fully supplied with heating and hot water. While Solar Panels on the roof, battery storage and smart electric car charging means we can meet all our domestic electrical needs. Our family car charges with any surplus power not being consumed within the property. All this means our home produces more electricity than it consumes and is carbon positive.  

“We have a fleet of electric vehicles supporting the business, and while we can’t meet all our business’ transport demands from our own panels, we use a 100% renewable electricity provider, Octopus Energy, so our business miles aren’t impacting negatively on our environment either.  

“Our eco home has been built from bricks constructed of shredded pallet wood and crushed concrete dust (reclaimed from landfill) here in South Wales, and the roof is made from insulated sheet steel constructed on Anglesey. In addition the property has only 30% of the concrete a traditional build has, which demonstrates it is possible to move away from our heavy reliance on this carbon-emitting product. 

“Household emissions from heating and hot water must reduce by 95% to reach 2050 net zero targets. What’s heartening to me is that I’m seeing more and more young people investing into carbon positive homes which are fit for future generations.” 

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