Our COP 26 Journey
In March 2021 the Climate Cymru campaign was created by Stop Climate Chaos Cymru, a coalition of organisations that work together to stop climate Change and hosted by the charity the Welsh Centre for International Affairs (WCIA).
See our journey to take 10,000 voices from Wales to COP26 in Glasgow.

August 2021 – Gathering steam
The project became established with over 5,000 people adding their voices as well as over 200 partners signing up to Climate Cymru.
This powerful coalition of individuals, non-profit organisations and businesses got to work sending a clear message to our leaders: the people of Wales want meaningful action on climate change.
We held regular meetings with Ministers in Welsh Government, as well as the UK cabinet as part of civil society engagement around COP26.

September 2021 – Out and about in Wales
At the end of the summer we took to the road! Over the course of the Great Big Green Week from 18th- 26th September we traveled around Wales in an electric vehicle, spreading the message about Climate Cymru and showcasing some of the incredible work taking place in Wales.

October 2021 – To the Senedd
We took your voices to the heart of Welsh Government and gave them them directly to members of the Senedd. To raise awareness of this political moment, we placed a giant heart-shaped ice sculpture made by a local artist on the steps of the Senedd, along with messages from people from all over Wales who have signed up to the campaign.

November 2021 – Taking voices to Glasgow
We were right in the centre of the UN’s COP26 climate summit in Glasgow. We took thousands of voices from people in Wales demanding action, and we put your messages – including data from those signing up, films from our road trip, posters, selfies and audio sent to us on social media – in front of world leaders to make sure your voices were heard.

After COP26
This is where the work really gets going!
We continue to work to make sure commitments are upheld and to accelerate the transition to Net Zero. We will call upon our powerful network of organisations and individuals to help us make change happen in Wales.
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