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Zoë Binning Ltd

Zoë Binning Ltd provides complete wedding venue business management, bespoke consultancy and staff training to wedding venues across Wales.

Why do you care about the climate?

Over the years we have become increasingly aware that the romance of the wedding industry can mask its wasteful nature. Unfortunately weddings are by their nature single use and a massive contributor to carbon emissions and waste.

We combine our expert wedding venue business management and consultancy services with a sharp focus on sustainable and environmentally friendly wedding practices to work to transform a sector that we love, but whose practices we currently struggle to justify; to become more environmentally conscious and aware and to make more planet-conscious choices.

We work with wedding venues across Wales to create more sustainable business models and partner with couples to bring their ideas of a socially responsible wedding to life.

What action do you want to see from our leaders?

I want them to put the planet and people ahead of profit and their own personal priorities.

What gives you hope for the future?

The range of businesses on our doorstep that are not just pushing for, but are demanding real genuine change! The amazing innovations that are forging a better path and putting people and the planet ahead of profit, but achieving that too, demonstrating that there is a very real place in today’s market for these products and services. It’s incredible!

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